Be a Real Life Influencer!
Your guide for starting your Early Childhood Education and Care career in Illinois.
Scholarships & Career Leads
Discover new career opportunities in Early Childhood Education! Take our quiz and learn more about the open Child Care, Early Intervention, and Home Visiting roles across Illinois that might be right for you. Access scholarship resources and credentialing information.
Explore Early Childhood
Education and Care Careers

Become a
Child Care Provider
Curious about a career as an Early Childhood educator, assistant teacher, or administrator working with young children? Learn more about the licensing process, opportunities within established facilities, or avenues for starting a Child Care facility in your own home.

Become an
Early Intervention Provider
A career in Early Intervention can make a big impact in your community. Early Intervention Providers partner with educators, social workers, service coordinators, speech and language pathologists, physical and occupational therapists to help prepare children and families to reach their full potential.

Become a
Home Visitor
Home Visitors work with families and support them through the critical early years of a child’s life. Home Visitors help families with practical parenting skills and provide them with access to opportunities.

Illinois is ranked in the top 10 for Child Care accessibility!
Illinois is an exciting place to start a career in Early Childhood Education and Care. In addition to being amongst the 20 states in the nation with the lowest cost of living, we’re ranked in the top ten for Child Care accessibility. Illinois also has an ongoing commitment to fund scholarship and apprenticeship programs that expand the Child Care workforce.

Preparing for a career change?
Apply when you’re ready!

Find out more about the credentials required to become a provider.

Looking for additional training? Find resources here.

Speak With an Advisor
A professional development advisor can help you plan your Early Childhood Education and Care career.
Contact us for more information or to speak to someone about a career in Early Childhood Education and Care.